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Avionics & Instruments

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Airframe Parts

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Flight Controls

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Engines & Parts

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Propellers & Parts

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Electrical System

> Alternators

> Circuit Breakers

> General Electrical

> Lighting

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> Solenoids & Relays

> Starters

> Strobe Systems

> Rheostats & Switches

Continental O-200A Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 1710.8 No Prop Strike

Lycoming TIGO-541-E1A Engine w/Accessories TSMO=261.2 NO PROP STRIKE

Lycoming TIGO-541-E1A Engine w/Accessories TSMO=668.2 NO PROP STRIKE

Lycoming TIO-540-C1A Engine with accessories TSMO= 1077.7 (Prop Strike)

Lycoming TIO-540-C1A Engine with accessories TSMO= 1077.7 (Prop Strike)

Lycoming IO-320-B1A Engine w/Accessories TSMO=1191.76 (PROP STRIKE)

Lycoming IO-320-B1A Engine w/Accessories TSMO=1197.07 (PROP STRIKE) - See details

Lycoming O-235-L2C Engine w/Accessories TSMO=1932.52 (PROP STRIKE)

Continental A65? O200? C85? C65? C95? engine w/Accessories CORE TSMO=Unknown

Continental IO-470-V0 Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 736.9 (Prop Strike)

Continental IO-470-V0 Engine w/Accessories TSMO=597.3 (Prop Strike)

Continental IO-470V Engine w/Accessories TSMO=371.4 (No Prop Strike)

Lycoming O-320-E2D Engine w/Accessories . TSMO= 1667.8 TSTO: 127.8 (See details) NO PROP STRIKE

Lycoming-TIO540-S1AD Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 956.5 (See details) - Prop strike

Continental TSIO-520-EB Engine w/Accessories TSMO=915 (Big Bore 7th stud) NO PROP STIRKE

Continental-TSIO-520-B Engine w/Accessories (Big Bore 7th stud) TSMO=987.9

Lycoming LIO-360-C1E6 Engine with accessories TSMO= 592 NO PROP STRIKE

Lycoming O-360-A2G Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 1629.14 CORE

Lycoming O-320-E2D Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 2025.3 CORE (Bent Crank) Prop Strike

Continental GTSIO-520-H Engine w/Accessories - (Big Bore 7th stud) NO PROP STRIKE - NO LOGS

Texas Air Salvage

Proudly serves the aviation industry by supplying a community of general aviation pilots, aircraft maintenance facilities and aircraft mechanics with a huge online selection of quality used aircraft parts, aircraft salvage, used aircraft engines, used avionics, project aircraft and complete flying airplanes.

If you're searching the aircraft "bone yards" for hard to find Cessna parts, Piper parts, Beechcraft parts, Mooney parts or experimental aircraft parts or just shopping for the best price then you've come to the right place.

Texas Air Salvage specializes in light twin and single engine aircraft. We stock thousands of used aircraft parts, used aircraft engines and engine parts, used avionics, instruments, airframe parts, wings, tires, interior parts, propellers and prop parts.

Our inventory consist of used aircraft parts and avionics from manufactures like Cessna, Piper, Beechcraft, Mooney, Lycoming, TCM Continental, Garmin, King, Narco, S-TEC, RC Allen, ARC, United Instruments and many more.